Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Re: Google Reader


How about that call tonight.  That really challenged me.  I have been moderately successful, but tonight's call got me disgusted with my moderation.

Thanks for your question.

It would be a blessing to everyone on if you added each blog on to a new "reader" once a week.  Am I doing that faithfully?  Not yet.  Is it busy work?  Sure.  If we want to bless each other in this way though, here's how:
1. first week, subscribe to every one's blog with google reader
2. next week, subscribe with
3. next week, subscribe with another "reader"

But, if we all just made sure that we were subscribed to all of the blogs on all of the time and opened our reader of choice at least once a day, then the reader will go out and read those blogs for us and thus drive up their popularity.  If we all were doing this and writing at least one article a day like what you learned from the call tonight that you want to apply in your business or other things, but if we were consistent about it.  It will go a long way to our natural search results.

But, the number one best thing you can do for your business is hand out a card at the gas station or grocery store or at lunch... and say "we will be filling two positons in 10 days and you seem like you'd be perfect, will you commit to going through the 3 simple steps because we are going to fill those positions in those 10 days?

Be blessed,

On 9/13/06, Jessica wrote:
Hey Eric:
I wanted to ask about Google Reader. Do we need to post to each person's blog or new entry each week? I think that is what you said...and the reason behind that is because it circluates our links?? I wanted to make sure.


Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Investing In God's Kingdom

Dave Allen
AC Site:

All members of this blog agree to subscribe to all feeds listed on this blog. If you are subscribed via email then you will receive all newly added blogs via email and you can click the "subscribe" button just above this text in the post.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Re: Blogging help?


The ad restrictions for being listed on Ac Blog Roll are:
1. no adsense
2. your adwords-like ad to your AC site OK!
3. No links on the sidebar to other income opportunities.

If you find someone doing that, let me know and I will kindly ask them to remove them or be removed from .  That is only fair.

Be blessed,

On 9/1/06, David Allen wrote:

Hi Eric,


Thanks for helping out me with my blog issues.


What I need to know is, if there aren't any ads allowed on our blogs through AC blogroll, does this mean we can't have links? Links like google, ebay, our fundraising site, etc.

Also, would it be possible for you to look my site over again? I've had to change everything over from my last blog, this due to google adsense problems. Here's my blog site  



Thanks so much for all you do for the AC team?


Take care,








David & Aubrey Allen

Advantage Conferences, LLC.