Thursday, August 31, 2006

Re: questions about my blog and participating in AC Blog Roll

Dave, thanks for asking this question.  I am replying so that everyone can see and learn from this question.

First, get rid of adsense.  It will only hurt the return on your own ad. 
Your Ad looks great.  It would be great if you could change the html for it to:
<div style="background: white">
Honest Home Based Business
<br>Make $7,000 Over and Over
<br>No Selling No making Calls
<br>Christian Mentoring
<br><a href=""></a>

In your posts you use red to highlight and it is very hard to read.  I would bold or highlight with a yellow background instead.

Other than that, you look fine.

Now, about the AC Blog Roll:
go to
Read the Purpose and Responsibilities statement and follow the instructions if you can agree to follow them.
That will mean that before you send me your information, you need to confirm that you click the subscribe link on each post for a fellow ACer's blog and put it into Google Reader (my recommendation, but any reader consistantly which you can open easily daily).
Then send me the information for you blog in exactly the same format as that of the other ACer's blog posts.

Let me know if there are any further questions.

On 8/31/06, David Allen wrote:

Thanks Eric for last night's call. I really want to put myself in the same position you are on the web. I need to understand from you what my first move should be in utilizing your information for building this blog empire. J I have mine set up, I'm just not sure if it is in proper order and if not, what more do I need to add to it. This is my blog:  Also, I wanted to sign up on the group of blogs you mentioned you had, but I think I deleted that email by accident.


Thanks so much for your efforts and your help!


Take care,


Dave Allen




Thursday, August 24, 2006

Re: The Latest from AC Blog Roll


Thanks for the interaction and for this question.  I am answering this on the blog for everyone else who is asking the same question.

Here's what you do:
  1. On the right are the archives links.  The posts are archived by month.  So you would select the oldest month April 2006 ( .
  2. Then, go all the way to the bottom of that page and start at the bottom.
  3. In each post that contains a blog you will find a link like subscribe , this is the easiest way to subscribe to each feed.
  4. Click that subscribe link, then when that page comes up chose either "Google Personalized Homepage" or "Google Reader".  If you don't know what you want to chose, then chose "Google Reader".

    Right Here I want to note that you can and might want to consider subscribing several different ways.  One other option, you can click the feed: link on each blog post and try adding it to your Yahoo and your myaol.  The other and possibly the best way to subscribe to most of these feeds is to click on the "view" link in each post and if they have an email subscription form on their blog like I do at .  Why is that true?  Because then you will get each post in email and don't have to learn how to use a reader like .
  5. Then go back to the archive page you were on and subscribe to the next up the page.
  6. Continue up the page until you have subscribed to all of these, then click on the next archive month like May 2006 and continue until you have subscribed to all of them.
  7. Then, if you aren't subscribed to AC BlogRoll, subscribe to this by email on the form on the right so that you can be informed of the new blogs as they are posted here and you will be able to click on the subscribe links in the email and stay caught up easily.
Chere, I hope that helps.  If not, please write back and I will post answers.  Again, I appreciate your question.

Everyone getting this needs to do this.  If you think you might have done this already, do it again just to be sure since it wont hurt and will only help if you do.

Again, if you don't agree with staying up on these subscriptions feel free to email me and ask me to remove you from the blog roll.  That is only fair.  You are on your honor now.

Be blessed,
Eric Standlee
Are we connected?

Link In Y'all

On 8/24/06, Chere Oldhoff wrote:
Hi again,
Thanks for the info.  Not sure how to subscribe to all the feeds on the AC Blog Roll tho......?
In His Hand,
Chere Oldhoff

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Friendly Reminder

This is a friendly reminder that you agreed to subscribe to all of the feeds of the blogs listed here and to open your reader like if that is what you use so that we all have active readers on our blogs. I can tell that a number of you who are subscribed to this feed have not subscribed to the other feeds listed on this blog. If you cannot do that, then please email me and tell me that you want your lising removed. Otherwise, I will have to remove all of them and unsubscribe all of the subscribers.

Thanks for your help,

All members of this blog agree to subscribe to all feeds listed on this blog. If you are subscribed via email then you will receive all newly added blogs via email and you can click the "subscribe" button just above this text in the post.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Defend Your Dream

Sam Crowley
AC site:
Subscribe to Defend Your Dream by Email

All members of this blog agree to subscribe to all feeds listed on this blog. If you are subscribed via email then you will receive all newly added blogs via email and you can click the "subscribe" button just above this text in the post.